Gervase Markham wrote:
Brendan Eich wrote:

Apology: this is a little rushed and disorganized.


One big question is license. When started, we didn't have an official documentation license, and now we pay for it every time someone asks "so, can I reuse this for X and Y?".

Ideally we'd decide something quickly and easily, without a massive long debate, so I nominate the Creative Commons sharealike license: . There's a big momentum behind CC at the moment.

I know that some people have problems with certian sections of the CC licenses; in particular section 5, which appears to state that the licensor is liable in any legal action that may result from the document. See for more information and for links to more discussions on the topic.

Obviously, I'm not a lawyer, etc. etc.

In other words, we allow free copying, derivative works, and commercial use, with the only condition that doc mods are freely shared. I believe this license would be Free, Open Source and DFSG-free (but I'd have to check.)

The possibly controversial bit is that we wouldn't require attribution. That doesn't mean docs won't normally have author attributions; it means that if we get hundreds of contributors (which I hope we do), it's much more manageable from a reuse point of view. Who gets famous this way anyway? :-)



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