On 3/16/2002 6:27 PM, Jayesh Sheth apparently wrote exactly the following:
> Hello,
> I think mpt's comments were not well received because he phrased them
> not in a straight-forward way, rather in a mocking "I know better than
> you way."

Well, apparently both of them were having a bad day, but never would I 
express myself publicly in the way Chris did. He made it even worse by 
his reply to this thread. Whatever.

> Still, I have to admit that I was surprised at how angry Chris got.
> (Speculation on my part: maybe this is not the first time he has
> annoyed Chris, and this was the proverbial straw that broke the
> camel's back.)

Perhaps, but... the earlier post someone pointed at (first reply in this 
thread, I think) wasn't much better either.

> In any case Chucker: I think your comments are valuable to
> Mozillazine, and I hope you don't leave because you were offended by
> this post.

Thanks. Don't worry, I'll stay. Just a little worried on the rep of 

> In deinem Leben wirst du viele Leute finden, deren
> Meinungen hart oder anders sind. Und manchmal haben solche Menchen
> nicht so viel Geduld mehr. Aber, so ist das Leben!

That was... close ;-)

Anyways, thank you. (I got the message :-D )

Sören Kuklau ('Chucker')

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