On Fri, 15 Oct 1999 10:59:39 +0100 (WEST), Patrick De Smet wrote:

>> Descending loops with pointer use have always shown to be faster than
>> arrays. I use them a lot in image processing.

Descending loops allow the compiler to replace the loop index
comparison with a BNZ (branch if not zero) instruction.  Most loops I
use in my uC assembly projects are this way.  More out of convience
than speed though.
>I think this is true (for a single pointer loop, for multiple/too many 
>pointers I think Takehiro is right, see earlier postings; pointers
>can no longer be alloc'ed to registers, so memory is needed and this

When did the pointer in a register go away?  Are you telling me that
the register keyword dosen't do anything in modern compilers? 
Forgive me if this is old hat.  Most of my work is in the embedded
world of 8-bit uCs. 

>Anyway, I got this idea from a recent book discussing all sorts of optims,
>and how (good) recent compilers work, I can look up the ref if you want

Yes please send me the ref offlist.  In fact if we can probally take
this discussion off list unless other are interested in it.

Richard A. Smith                         Bitworks, Inc.               
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               501.521.3908                        
Sr. Design Engineer        http://www.bitworks.com   

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