On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Stefan Bellon wrote:

> Am I wrong or has the file quantize-pvt.c changed to quantize_pvt.c
> (and the header file as well)? Why was this done?
> As on RISC OS there's no GNU make available yet (but a port will be
> release hopefully soon!), I can't use the generic Makefile but I have
> to maintain an own Makefile for RISC OS. And I have to keep track on
> file name changes. So I wondered why such a change was made. Or am I
> wrong and the file name got mixed up on my end only?

Wait 'til you see v3.88. You've got a big surprise coming to you :)
I agree it probably wrong to use GNU make only makefiles.

Mark Powell - UNIX System Administrator - The University of Salford
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Salford University, Manchester, M5 4WT, UK.
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