
On Thu, 05 Oct 2000 21:30:23  
 Ross Levis wrote:
>Gargos Chode wrote:
>> -V1 -mj -b128 -q2 -d -p -k -F --nspsytune --athlower -35 -X3.
>Some thoughts:
>-p & -F will have no effect on sound quality.  I have had mixed results with 
>nspsytune.  -X2 & X3 both produce massively larger average bitrates than all the 
>others.  I've never played with -d.  Can someone tell me if allowing channels to have 
>different blocktypes has any bad side effects?  ie. ISO or decoder compatibility?
>MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( http://geek.rcc.se/mp3encoder/ )


I know that -p and -F don't have any effect on sound quality, infact I stopped using 
-F cause alot music I have has hidden parts in songs and the drop to 32kbps was nice 
there for space saving reasons.  As for -X2 and -X3 the fact that they are the slowest 
and usually produce files with much higher bitrates is probably the reason they also 
seem to sound so good.  That is basically why I am using --nspsytune and --athlower, 
to get that file size to come back down to a reasonable level.  It might make more 
sense to just use a different set of switches which will produce files around those 
bitrates in the first place instead of making large files and trying to squeeze them 
back down, but from what I have heard, it actually sounds better the latter way.  In 
some cases I have actually seen these settings produce smaller files than -V1 -mj -h 
-b128, and they still sound better.  On average, it seems to produce files an average 
of 20kbps at least for most of the music I listen to.  H!
owever, with certain sound clips, particularly ones with very fast transients and 
noise like sound overlayed upon strings or melodic sounds, the bitrate seems to be 
much much higher than normal.  One clip I have actually reaches up to 290kbps.  Im 
thinking something about that particular kind of sound, or the production used on 
those albums, is tripping up the encoder and forcing it to use too many bits.  Either 
that or those pieces are just extremely hard to encode without producing alot of 
distortion.  For ISO compatibility and decoder compatibility, I haven't seemed to 
notice any difference at all.  For that matter in most cases I dont notice a 
difference in filesize or sound quality either, so I'm not really sure that its even 
doing anything, but it at least sounds good in theory.


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