I am still new in using the software. I am trying to simulate photoniccrystal slab with air-hole square lattice. When I try to run the programme, it returns with an error. I wonder anyone has an idea what is wrong with the programme below.

(define-param h 3) ; the thickness of the slab
(define-param eps 2.05); the dielectric constant of the slab
(define-param loweps 1.0) ; the dielectric constant of the substrate
(define-param r 0.33) ; the radius of the holes

; square lattice:
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 h)
                   (basis1 0 1)
                   (basis2 1 0))
(set! geometry
      (list (make block (material (make dielectric (epsilon eps)))
              (center 0 0 0) (size infinity infinity h))
          (make cylinder (material air)
              (center 0 0 0) (radius r) (height h))))

; 1st Brillouin zone of a square lattice:
(define Gamma (vector3 0 0 0))
(define M (vector3 0 0.5 0))
(define K (vector3 0.5 0.5 0))

(define-param only-K false) ; run with only-K=true to only do this k-point
(define-param k-interp 4)   ; the number of k points to interpolate
(if only-K
    (set! k-points (list K))
    (set! k-points (interpolate k-interp (list Gamma M K Gamma))))

(set-param! resolution (vector3 32 32 16))
(set-param! num-bands 8)





KL Woon

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