At the risk of this getting too complicated, there have been a number of
suggestions that we move this to Steven Square Park because there will
be free music there that evening and we will get entertained for FREE.
A more festive atmosphere, maybe more public figures will show up and
explain more public policy to us too.  Ya never know...

Also, there is a Twins Game that night.  Groups get discounts for Twins
games, ya know...   If there was enough interest, we might qualify if we
who show up all went, en masse.  Since enough (in my judgement) members
have written me saying "enough of Kenwood Park already",  I'm moving it
to Stevens Square and asking you all -- should we meet early enough to
make an exit to the Twins Game?

DATE:            Wednesday, June 27th


TIME:             6:30 --9:00 (depending on whether we
                                           decide to go to the
                                           Twins game)

Discussion, comments to the list.  Thanks.

Barbara Nelson

I've always thought my flowers had souls.
-Myrtle Reed

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