Michael Hohmann wrote:
I just watched film footage of Dinkytown
'riots' on Ch 11 10 p.m. news-- two officers on top of one unarmed man
beating him with sticks and fists as he was under them on the ground-- 
Idon't know what he did.  A seemingly well-dressed women in a full length 
coat walks up on the sidewalk to calmly address the officers... no voices 
audible-- maybe a "what are you doing? I think he's subdued!"... and she was 
aggressively knocked backward, off her feet, in the air, and to the ground. 
It was disgusting aggravated assault against that woman-- by the police! I'm 
not condoning the illegal actions of rioting students, but I'm condemning 
the wonted, persistently excessive violence doled out by those we pay to 
'protect and serve.'  This type of violence only begets more violence-- an 
escalation which we do not need.  It doesn't take long for people to realize 
you don't face the MPD with bare hands and machetes.  I
think it's time we end this forceful-assault mentality; it's time for a
change at the top!  Replace Robert Olson!
I saw the same footage (and more) and I have to agree with Michael. In my 
opinion, the police force in Minneapolis is totally out of hand. Replace 
Robert Olson NOW!

MJ Mueller

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