Hi, all -- 

On 4/9/02 4:25 PM, Duke Powell wrote:

> 1. I watched a lot of TV coverage of the riot on the U of M campus. I never
> saw an officer strike any one with their riot batons. This charge has been
> made several times on this list and, if true, it would seem to me that this
> footage would have gotten a lot of air play.

Hm. You must not have seen the same footage I've seen, then.

> 2. I am a Paramedic at HCMC. We did not transport any injured victims of
> the brutality allegedly meted out by the police. I have not heard of, or
> seen, any injuries that were any more than minor contusions and abrasions.

Is HCMC the only place rioters (and alleged "rioters") were treated?
(Just because _you_ didn't see substantial injuries doesn't mean they didn't

> 3. I have worked around police for over 30 years. I have helped subdue and
> restrain countless members of the public who are a danger to themselves
> and/or others. It is not a pretty process; but then it isn't supposed to be.
> It is, however, effective and done in a manner that minimizes the risk to
> the officer, the public, the patient, and the drunk knuckle head.

You sound very rational; Good to know you're out there, fighting the good

> 4. The response by those on this list to the actions of public safety
> officials have shown me that many of you will go to any length to berate and
> degrade those who are sworn to protect you, your family and your property
> from those who wish you ill. The scary thing to me is that you all seem to
> have the ear of the mayor and a significant number of city council members.

"The squeaky wheel..." theory in action; bear in mind, if one doesn't like
the way their government is run, one has the ability/right to use this -- or
any other -- forum to make their views known in order to effect change.

Questioning authority is not a crime; in fact, it's a responsibility; Not
sure why you're frightened by the concept of concerned citizens making their
viewpoints known to the "people in charge".

> There has been talk among Mpls DFLers that they may have to approach and
> work with suburban Republicans in order to protect their political turf.  Be
> forewarned - Postings that appear regularly on this list will curl the toe
> nails of the suburban home owner.

Are you saying that this list has a predominant slant to it? I suspect a
careful tally of postings would suggest otherwise. (Have any tallies of the
membership's political leanings ever been taken, Mr. Brauer...?)

-- John Goodman
Central Neighborhood

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