Hello Folks,

> I do not see why Mayor Rybak's idea of having a
> unified front is merely putting a "spin" on the issues
> coming out of city hall.  Right now, when the police
> force is under extreme scrutiny from the media and
> public, instead of letting the police "hang out to
> dry," the Mayor has chosen to solidify himself and his
> office with the police force and make sure that
> everything coming out of the office has been examined
> and reported in a valid nature.

        Ryan, your statement contradicts the fact that when the Mayor was asked
about the Native American man who was supposedly urinated on, the Mayor
said, "No comment" and directed the question to the police. It does not jibe
with the fact that when the Mayor was asked why the chief didn't like this
new policy, his response was "ask him".

        Ask him? I thought that communication now had to come from city hall? If
this policy is to save the police from being hung out to dry, then why is
the chief not in favor of the policy and their spokesperson immediately
resigned upon learning of it? If this is to save the police from being hung
out to dry, then why did the Mayor instantly start backpedaling on this
policy and attempt to say he wasn't backpedaling, but he was misunderstood,
in part because the chief had mischaracterized what he said, even though the
chief quoted directly from his memo?

        I agree with Lisa, this was an ill thought, poorly executed blunder. The
Mayor should take his medicine, admit his mistake and move on. Being Mayor
is not all smashing guitars and skiing.

Neal Levine

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