Has this list gone absolutely mad?

About "remembering" which job applicants are graduates
of Minneapolis Public Schools and which aren't, I have
2 things:

--Be sure you apply that standard to the Rhodes
Scholars, IB Diploma winners (including myself), Ivy
grads, and Athena winners who graduated from MPS.

--Your suggestion sounds pretty unethical, if not
outright illegal.  I frankly hope that this type of
behavior doesn't pervade HR departments.  If so, maybe
I should go to law school -- I could make a fortune on
unlawful discrimination suits.

About the protest itself

--Recall that it was a bunch of kids who persuaded
McDonalds to change their packaging from styrofoam to
paper-based packaging, and that Kids for Saving the
Earth (a successful environmental awarness group) was
started by kids in the metro area (I believe).  They
were somehow able to persuade Target to carry their
magazine in their stores for a long time (they were
near the community information kiosks), which were
extraordinarly well-produced.  Perhaps your
perceptions do not fit the evidence.

--I don't doubt that some students wanted to talk
about the war one day in class and batted around the
idea of a walkout (probably based on things that they
had studied about the Civil Rights Movement or things
they saw on TV).  Did teachers and parents help? Maybe
-- I'll even venture to say Probably.  Did they force
them to hold an anti-war sign or walk out?  Probably

About $17,000 for activism (Victoria's comment):

--Frankly, if this activity teaches students to
question media and their leaders, think for themselves
about issues important to them, and take action, I
think it's worth more than $17,000.

--Look:  public education is supposed to teach young
people about their community and how to make a
difference.  This walkout probably generated
inumerable discussions about government and how it
makes decisions.  Also discussed probably were what
other people thought of a war, why nations go to war,
Iraq, how individuals can take control of their lives,
and how to participate in civic participation.  In a
school system where the required civics class is a sad
joke, this is sorely needed.

I wonder if the types of people who were upset would
be so upset if there was a walkout in support of the
war?  Doubt it.

Patrick Peterson

From: "Craig Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 09:57:43 -0600
Subject: [Mpls] What is your school up to?

I believe that the schools that organize and allow
kids to take class 
off to go out and protest are
using taxpayer money for political purposes and
bordering on 
the kids.

It has been many years since I was on the frontline of
management in 
private sector.  You know the position, hiring firing,
and being the 
one who
shows up early and stays late.

Well, if I ever have to be in that thankless position
again, I've got 
for the Mpls School Board.

All things being equal between two job applicants.I'm
going to remember
which school district thought it was ok to stop
teaching math, reading, 

Tough decisions made easy by the Minneapolis School
Board.  To those 
who fail to prevent this nonsense.  Shame on you. 
Your doing your 
such a disservice.



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