Hello List,

I agree with Peter, and quite a few of the rest of you.  We always talk about children being the future, but some of us don't want to acknowledge that our children can reason enough to make wise decisions.

In junior high I attended Bryant (now Sabathani) and then was bussed to Ramsey for 9th grade.  We had our own little mini race riots and walkouts over human relations issues, so don't tell me kids don't know the issues.  And it is so true that they all have so much more info than we did back in the 70's.

It is said that "a little child will lead them."  If you need further proof of our young people's desires in action to save this world that we adults seem bent on destroying, go to www.idealist.org and click on the part that deals with youth.

Pamela (who attended Field school back in the day, and who now does not live that far from Macdill Air Force base which is a major intelligence unit for military operations, in Tampa, and who hopes Iraq doesn't choose to drop a bomb on us because she is plumb out of duct tape and plastic wrap.) 

 Patrick Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Has this list gone absolutely mad?

--Your suggestion sounds pretty unethical, if not
outright illegal. I frankly hope that this type of
behavior doesn't pervade HR departments. If so, maybe
I should go to law school -- I could make a fortune on
unlawful discrimination suits.

About the protest itself

--Recall that it was a bunch of kids who persuaded
McDonalds to change their packaging from styrofoam to
paper-based packaging, and that Kids for Saving the
Earth (a successful environmental awarness group) was
started by kids in the metro area (I believe). They
were somehow able to persuade Target to carry their
magazine in their stores for a long time (they were
near the community information kiosks), which were
extraordinarly well-produced. Perhaps your
perceptions do not fit the evidence.

Patrick Peterson

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