Everyone agrees that the West Bank needs more homeownership, we have less than 10% owner occupancy, with the majority of the residents living at or below the poverty level.  We all support more homeownership, but it is coming at a very high price to the taxpayers. 
The City of Minneapolis is planning to "forgive" a 1.8 million dollar loan made to the West Bank Community Development Corporation and it's various "acronyms" when (and if) they can manage to sell 19 units-some single family and some duplexes to the long suffering occupants.   The owners (WBCDC, and other "partners" in cahoots with the non-profit- too numerous to keep track of), paid little or nothing for these homes over 20 years ago.  Now they get to keep the profit on the sales, enjoy appreciation on an asset they never paid for, get the lots for less than 7,000 (currently owner by the City of Minneapolis) and we wonder why we have to lay-off police and fire personnel.
Please let the City Council and Mayor Rybak know that sometimes we have to say 'enough already' to the non-profits living off of the taxpayers and the poor.
Barbara Murray
Riverside Park/West Bank

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