Britt Robson wrote: 

"It wasn't a single waitress who disrespected them;
the next person up on the hierarchical chain likewise
treated these paying customers in a manner calculated
to ensure they wouldn't return. Does anyone doubt this

happened? On what basis?"

On the basis that I am a rational human being, and I
understand that there are often two or more sides to
every story, and I have only heard one side.

You can jump to conclusions if you want to, but I
don't have the time or energy, especially because they
might both be wasted when we find out what really

You are saying the Market management made a
"calculated" efforts to treat these people differently
because of the color of their skin, based on one
anecdotal report with no corroborating witnesses and
without hearing from the Market management?

Forget about jumping to conclusions, you just leaped
over the Grand Canyon of assumptions.

Mark Wilde
Windom park

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