You are saying the Market management made a
"calculated" efforts to treat these people differently
because of the color of their skin, based on one
anecdotal report with no corroborating witnesses and
without hearing from the Market management?

While I am not going to comment on whether or not a boycott is warranted at this time (particularly because I want to see where action on this goes...and what action steps are taken to re-confront the management of Market BBQ), I do want to point out that there were witnesses to the incident that very clearly called into question the behavior of the Market BBQ management and wait staff, while there were no witnesses that came forward (while the police where in the establishment) to support the wait staff, management or to support their "story" concerning the supposedly out of control children. So, while we talk about this issue...let's not convieniently forget or leave out parts of the story.

Be well.

Brandon Lacy Campos
Powderhorn Park

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