In a message dated 7/11/03 5:10:36 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< The lack of empathy on this list for the family who attended Market 
 Bar-B-Que, and the urge to rationalize and otherwise excuse the behavior of 
the people 
 who "served" them, is appalling. >>

    Jon Sez:

    I think you're casting rather a large net here and certainly not being 
fair to some. In my post on the subject I simply related my very similar 
(empathetic) experience and questioned whether there might be a very very bad 
management/morale situation at Market (FYI I'm so white I effloresce for two hours 
after sundown).

    I'll look at the post again if I can retrieve it but I think the only 
mention of race was when there was a call put into the cops. If you've ever 
called the cops you'll know that they always ask for a description, including race, 
of the people you're calling about.
    My main point, other than to long for the resurrection of a formerly 
great joint (where I used to see lots and lots of Black folks), was that a boycott 
is a truly drastic action. Without a dedicated list of grievances in hand? 
One incident? I doubt that I've ever heard one called for like this. A boycott 
can swiftly destroy a business the size of Market.         
    Yeah, before such action is taken, I think alternatives should be 
explored. How about very publicly kicking a lot of butts out the door accompanied by 
large apologies to the party?  Why not just a huge Mea Culpa and a wake-up 
call instead of a shutdown order?
    Personally, I think the poster had an intolerable, tending towards 
surreal, experience. Like myself, she will probably never venture there again until 
all qualities of service have been verifiably restored, and maybe not even 
then. But was her 
parties' experience the engine for a boycott? I still can't see that.

                                                            Jon Gorder
                                                            Loring Park
1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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