Karen Collier writes, in response to Margaret Hastings:

I'm sorry, I don't get it.  Why are you expecting the people recently
appointed will not be good for the City?  Do you have some evidence of which
I am totally unaware?  The fact that someone known by Lee Sheehy was
appointed should not be a detriment.  At least he knows going in what the
person is capable of doing.  I am sure he took quite a reduction in pay from
his law firm to accept the position.  The other individual had a track
record in St. Paul.  Let's withhold judgment until these individuals are on
the job and can show us what they are capable of doing.

Why is this an insult to the people of Minneapolis?  I just don't get it.


I second Karen's emotion, up to a point. I think the snap judgments
(tennis=death, Smith Parker=666) are leading to a much-too-hasty offing of
Mr. Christensen's virtual head.

I, too, would like to hear a bit more about what he will actually do - and
in fact, what he has specifically done - before pronouncing him an outrage.

But snap judgments aside, I do think the mayor and Mr. Sheehy should take
note of some legitimate concerns:

1. Restructuring. How can the city justify $100,000 salaries at a time of
layoffs - and when a similar number of MCDA high-level execs were let go.

2. Related to #1: Is this about downsizing, or merely cleaning house at the

3. The 35W Access Project has split neighborhoods and activists. It has been
portrayed as helping major employers at the expense of neighborhood
livability (though others say major employers and neighborhood livability
will both be improved). Was Mike Christensen involved in the Access Project,
and how will he handle it as head of strategic partnerships and planning?

4. What neighborhood-level experience does the CPED leadership bring? Based
as much on history as any one appointee's resume, there is skepticism that
economic development will be guided by a "bottom-up" philosophy (as opposed
to a long-running "big-employer, top-down" one.) How can the mayor or Mr.
Sheehy reassure reasonable skeptics that CPED's "reform" is nothing more
than repackaged top-down.

As you can tell, I find the snap judgments and instant memorials silly and
premature. I hope elected & appointed officials will at least answer
reasonably skeptical questions as a way for all of us to make better, fairer
judgments, whatever those judgments may be.

David Brauer
King Field

1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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