David Strand Wrote:

> I was so disgusted by the performance on the news
> Sunday morning of the owner of Molly Quinn's in
> regards to the smoking ban that I will never ever
> darken the door of that establishment again...

> The "poor me" from some businesses which have lost
> business after the smoking ban was implemented was
> drawing my sympathy but the crass and irresponsible
> disregard for community, public health, accessibility
> and outright selfishness where the owner even said "my
> worker's don't have to work for me as much as I would
> like to be able to make them" or something to that
> effect turned my stomach.

Let me tell you something about Matthew Lamphear, and his relationship with
his employees. Molly Quinn's was like a family. The staff and owners loved
and cared about each other. It broke Matthew's heart to have to lay his
entire staff off. He had been financing payroll on his credit cards for as
long as he could, so they could keep their jobs. He got himself in debt over
a million dollars trying to hang on after the smoking ban, and is on the
verge of losing his house. He took that risk for the sake of his employees.
At last, he's succumbed. The anti-smokers have won. He's laid off twelve
people, and reduced his hours to 7 hours a day, five days a week. David, you
won. Those twelve employees are safe now, thanks to you and your friends.

David went on to opine:
> The idea that they are subject to OSHA standards and
> not those of the EPA( as if OSHA is doing the job they
> are supposed to these days anyway) and that she
> doesn't believe that her employees suffer any harm
> from being exposed to cigarette smoke(not to mention
> her clientele) is pathetic and antiscience.

OSHA has guidelines for tobacco smoke in the workplace. A recent OSHA study
found that it is nearly impossible for bars to exceed safe paramaters with
second hand smoke. OSHA's statement to this effect read:

"Field studies of environmental tobacco smoke indicate that under normal
conditions, the components in tobacco smoke are diluted below existing
Permissible Exposure Levels (PELS.) as referenced in the Air Contaminant
Standard (29 CFR 1910.1000)...It would be very rare to find a workplace with
so much smoking that any individual PEL would be exceeded."

Dan McGrath

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