On Tuesday 12 April 2016 11:40:46 Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 2016-04-12 10:10, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> > It uses the LLVM backend where it could be possible to define nested
> > stack variables if I read the code right (not tested yet). gcc also
> > supports nested functions AFAIK, I don't know if outer variables are
> > visible in gdb.
> I just tested with Lazarus IDE. It managed to watch the lSpaceLeft
> variable even inside the nested function. See attached screenshot. I'm
> not sure what trickery they did to accomplish that.
Maybe Lazarus parses the code and determines the frame level. MSEide parser 
probably is not good enough to do that.

> On a side note:
>   I do know Martin Friebe is working on the native Object Pascal
> debugger, fpdebug (1). So did I (2) at one stage as a continuation of
> Duby. Martin Friebe apparently took the best bits and rolled it into
> one. Lazarus can now use GDB or fpdebug or a combination of both.
> fpdebug included in Lazarus is definitely making good progress. You seem
> very knowledgeable about debuggers too. Maybe two Martin's are better
> than one <wink>, and fpdebug could be moved into its own stand-alone
> repository for easier external contributions. That could benefit MSEide
> too.
I fear that bringing a cross platform debugger to a level what gdb offers 
today is a huge task or even impossible because we don't have the necessary 
platform specialists especially for embedded targets and the embedded 
hardware debug tools mainly support gdb. Please remember, I use MSEide for 
embedded C development too. So I had to maintain interfaces for both fpdebug 
and gdb. Sure that is doable and I assume fpdebug API is much better than gdb 
but supporting both has no top priority at the moment.
I fear another big job-site. ;-)
If I find some time I'll look into fpdebug, currently I have very little 
knowledge of fpdebug.


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