Hello Martin

Some question about MSE threads (tthreadcomp?)...

Mainly how to convert fpc TThread into mse tthreadcomp...

How do you convert this in mse code (+ some tips are welcome)?

TMSEthread = class(TThread) ---->  TMSEthread = class(tthreadcomp) ----> ok ?

constructor TMSEthread.Create(CreateSuspended: boolean;
  const StackSize: SizeUInt) ----> ?

destructor Destroy; override ----> ?

procedure Execute; override ----> ?

procedure DoTerminate; override ----> ?


TMSEthread.Start ----> ?

TMSEthread.Queue ----> ?

TMSEthread.FreeOnTerminate := true ----> ?

TMSEthread.Priority := tpTimeCritical ----> ?

About using MSEThreads outside a MSE project...
Is it possible?
If yes, tips are welcome.



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