On Tuesday 08 August 2017 21:02:09 Fred van Stappen wrote:

> In your fft example:
I don't think I can explain the whole discrete-Fourier-transform (DFT) thing 
because my English and my mathematical skills are limited, maybe read the 
links I provided.

> A array is assigned to fftcomp:
> fftcomp.inpreal:= ar1;
The DFT transforms a series of complex values in time domain to a series of 
complex values in frequency domain. The imaginary values of the input 
normally are zero so "inpreal" accepts a series of real values.

> After this fftcomp.outreal produces a new array of float:
> frequdisp.traces[0].ydata:= fftcomp.outreal;
"outcomplex" returns the complex frequency values, "outreal" returns the 
magnitude of the frequency values.

> Also fftcomp.windowfunc is defined.
> But what is the usage of windowfunc ?
The DFT "assumes" that the input sequence is repetitive -> if the input period 
time is not exactly a multiple of the sample window there will be errors, see 
attachment. A window function which weights samples in the middle of the 
sequence more than at the ends can improve the situation.
> Here are the 3 and 4 that I am missing.
> What appends to the original ar1, what did the fftcomp to any of the data ?
> I suppose that windowfunc has to do with it, but I do not understand what
> he does.
The input data is untouched.

> On fft demo, on the right side, frequdisp, that uses
> frequdisp.traces[0].ydata, (the new fft array) what does it show ?
The right half of DFT frequency array is the mirror image with inverted 
imaginary part of the left half so "outreal" only returns length(inpreal)/2 + 
1 items. The first value is the DC-value, the last is the level of sampling 
frequency / 2.

> Does fftcomp deals with channels (or must the array be split before)?
They must be split.

> By the way, one more time, I am ***very*** impressed.
> Other thing.
> I have found all the parts to make run my new toy: a RPi3B.
> Last nigth, installation offline of:
> 2017-06-21-raspbian-jessie.zip:
> --> micro-sd --> Rpi --> in one shot, out of the box.
> fpc-3.0.2.arm-linux-eabihf-raspberry.tar:
> --> install.sh --> in one shot, out of the box.
> mseide_arm_linux_eabihf_4_4_2.tar.gz:
> --> in one shot, out of the box.
> (Only a symlink must be added: libX11.so to libX11.so.6).
The libx11-devel package is needed.

> mseide-msegui-master-f41xxx.tar.gz:
> --> compile existing msegui projects --> ok --> run --> **OK**
> **WOW**
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