>    And now, look at official ARM arm-gcc building script: it builds
>  gcc twice, it copy first copy of gcc somewhere, to remove later, it
>  wants to find some linux-specific headers in process, etc, etc,
>  etc. Also, it uses

There are two parts to gcc: the compiler binaries, and the support
runtime.  The support runtime needs to know what libraries you're
using.  Linux-based targets are tricky because you need a working gcc
to build glibc, and you need a working glibc to build gcc.

For non-linux embedded, it's easier - you do "make all-host" in gcc,
and it only builds the compiler.  So you can do the simple
binutils/gcc configure/make/install and it works, with an extra step
(make all-target) or two to build the runtime libraries of choice.

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