On Sun, 4 Oct 1998 02:23:50 +0200, Collin van Ginkel wrote:

>>] instead of making BAD software with "GOOD" 
>>]copy-protection... I still believe that if the price of the 
>>]software is low, more people will buy it instead of copying it! 
>>]You agree?
>No I don't agree. At last fair in Tilburg we made the effort to 
There's a matter: MSX is so cheap (except if you mess on 
hardware) that many people have it more as a secondary, 
cheap hobby that allows to have other ones. 
And when you have a secondary hobby... You all know what 
MSX prices surely may not be lower. They can, but at what cost 
for the producers/distributors?

>sell Fighter's Ragnarok from Delta-Z (Japan). We spent a lot of 
>time and money in it. It is the best fighting-game on MSX, it has 
Are you referring about having full control of character actions? 
If so, I agree with you, but...
I prefer Be Bop Bout rather than FR. It is maybe the BEST 
'amateur' -It just lacks Konami logo- game ever, with the 
permission of Moon Light Saga -Horus Chapter-, and the 
not-released-yet Core Dump. 
( As I distribute both (BBB and FR) at Spain, I suppose nobody 
will suppose anything strange on my position. ;-)   )

>a very good manual and we sold just enough to buy the gas to 
>drive home again.
Lucky you! At Barcelona Meeting I even lose money with FR.

>It's not that I didn't get any money out of it but we couldn't 
>even give those Japanese guys anything for their trouble (not 
>much at least). They translated the whole game to english just 
>for us here in europe :-(((
Maybe we'll can. I'll write you later.

>I just wanted to get this off my mind, thank you for listening :-)
No problem.


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