>>is this problem also known with the Bert SCSI interface ??
>IS there a problem with the Bert SSI-interface???

I had a Bert before having MegaSCSI, and an instruction such
COPY"a:\dir\file.scx"TO(0,0) did not work!! And BTW, the kernel installer
program of MegaSCSI (mginst.com) gives a "Invalid DOS kernel" error when
trying to install a kernel captured from a Bert...

About IDE... want more IDE problems? From DOS, do BASIC file.bas. If
file.bas do not exist, system crashes! Today we find problems even doing
just a _RAMDISK.

But the very very worst thing is that... IDE interface give problems when
using NestorBASIC!! X-) Seriously, the following sequence hangs computer
with IDE but not without it:

?USR(0) 'Uninstalls (just restore interrupts and free BASIC and mapped memory)

I just can't imagine why this happens!!

With MegaSCSI, I never had ANY problem. So, to spy the design methods of ESE
is maybe a very good idea...

        Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)v
                 Itsumo MSX user

              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Test NestorBASIC!!

      *** Windows emulator for MSX error #34: ***
              No failures, System works!!

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