>There is only one person who has a Bert version 3.0, Rinus
>I think he will be the onlyone using it, since I don't hear
>anything from Hans Oranje anymore.

I hope he will finish it (it isn't finished yet, Rinus will probably have a
prototype). FYI: Hans is still active...

>btw: the bert 3.0 has a hardware modification in comparison
>to the bert 2.7 ....

Yeah, that's really too bad. I hope he can modify my v2.7 for not too much
money when it's finished...

>>Well anyway I think I still had to buy a Bert interface
>because Novaxis is
>>very hard to find and I have never heard of a Dutch
>>either. Besides, Bert is a lot cheaper than Mega-SCSI...
>you are right about both. ASbout novaxis: I bought my Bert
>interfaces when they just came available, and also with
>novaxis, so no problem here. I also got my megascsi when
>these japanese guys were at tilburg, for a couple of years.
>You can order it in Japan, but as you already said, it is
>very expensive...

Glad I am right :)


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