On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Stefano Fronteddu wrote:

> Taylors rule says that 
> log (1+x) = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 + .... + (x^(2n+1)) / (2n+1)!
> so
> log x = (x-1) - (x-1)^2/2 + ... +(-1)^n-1 * ((x-1)^n) / n

This is correct, but remember that this is an approximation near x=0 (in
the original form), so if you want to know log(100), it will have a large
error. For more correct values over the whole interval (you need to
specify one, preferribly not being infinitely long), there are other ways
that take longer for each step, but come much closer to the desired
function if x is large.


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