
> >Well Castlevania already had the problem of lack of ideas (this
> >3D-Castlevania is, well, let's guess... episode 11???).
>I must say that Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (which is episode 6?)
>is more close to Maze of Galious then to Vampire Killer, which is a bit
>of fresh air in the platform scene. Maze of Galious is still one of the
>best game concepts ever.

Symphony of the Night is the best platform-game I've ever seen. Smooth
animation, beautiful graphics, many characters, some RPG-elements,
very cool music... But I think it's a pity the voice acting of the 
in the English version are well, a little B-movie-like... Recently I also 
the Japanese version (it wasn't that expensive) in which the voice acting
actually is better and the texts are much more Dracula-like (sometimes
the English texts in SotN were a little naive, I thought... But in the 
version the characters tend to speak very gentle, which fits nice in the
atmosphere of the game)...


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