Hi, Richard:

 RG> In some of the 16k konami games I have (.bin format) the graphics on
 RG> the = top of the screen are corrupted. There is a green-yellow striped
 RG> block. = When I reset my MSX2 the game restarts and then the graphics
 RG> are normal.
 RG> Does anyone know what causes this corruption and what I can do about
 RG> it, = besides resetting the MSX?

Perhaps you own bad cracks of these games.

 RG> Also I find it rather anoying that some of the games restart after =
 RG> resetting. I solved this by changing "AB" at the beginning of the game
 RG> = into "AA" with diskedit. It works, but it takes a lot of time to do
 RG> it = with all the games.
 RG> Is there a more simple solution?

Yes, there is. I suggest you to use LOADROM.COM with the original .ROM files of
the games. You can download .ROM files from Funet, Komkon, etc.  LOADROM
overwrites the 'AB' strings before running the game in order to avoid
auto-reload and hanging some computers up.

You can get LOADROM from TRUNKS Home Page:  http://capsule.home.ml.org

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