
>This message was originally sent to Rieks W. Torringa's private
>mail address, but since we've heard nothing since (for two weeks
>or so), I'm sending this to the list. It concerns our thread on
>MSX-Salamander. If you got the message already Rieks, then I'm
>sorry for the extra message, but I thought maybe the previous
>one got lost in mail, since we tried to send it to you private.

I received it, but I have been away for a couple of weeks. A friend
of mine from The Netherlands brought a visit to Japan and I
travelled around Japan with him for some time. I'm sorry my
reaction is a bit delayed...

>1. Anything more on Twin/Triple/Arming?

Haven't looked it up further in the manual yet, but as I promised
I will take a look. The things I know I already told.

>2. Can the Crystal Breeze be found on Lavinia and if yes, where?

Usually the Crystal Breeze can be found on Kierke. You can obtain
it only when putting the Nemesis 2 (or Gradius 2) cartridge in the
second slot. You can find the Crystal Breeze in a hole in which the
prediction is also hidden sometimes.

>3. Is it necessary to have an option or a force field to get past the
>wall-mounted lasers on the down-scrolling part of Lavinia?

If you're very secure, it's possible to get past it. If you've got missiles,
you can launch them to destroy the lasers. Otherwise, you have to
fly right above the laser and shoot the cannon. It's difficult, though,
so you'd better just try getting an option.

>4. How does the difficulty level change depending on your play? (less
>shooting/less monsters?)

Once there was this story, telling that it depended on the time you took
for deciding which planet you would go to next (Eioneus/Lavinia/Kierke).
If this is right or not, I can't tell. Maybe worth the effort to look it up 
the manual.

>5. Are there more than two different difficulty levels for each of the
>operation 3 levels?

Nope, as far as I know there's the normal level and the 'hard' level,
in which enemies transform into bullets coming your way after
destroying them and in which enemies fire more bullets than usual.

>6. Is there a specific pattern for the movement and bouncing of the
>creatures found among other places in the blue tunnel of Latis?

They generally just come your way, but the height of their jumps is
restricted so if you fly high/low enough they can't touch you anyway.

>7. Have you ever completed any of the operation 3 levels in their more
>difficult mode?

Yes, after completing Eioneus and Kierke, I got the difficult mode of
Lavinia. I completed it and afterwards also completed Odysseus. There
was no difference in the ending. By the way, you know that only one
level of the three Crush Blow/Leek levels can turn difficult ? It's always
the last planet you choose.

>8. Full names of all the weapons/stuff

I'll have to look that one up, although I think that usually they don't 
from the names used in the game (except for Twin, Triple and Arming).

>9. How much of the appearing and positions of monsters is random and how
>much depends on the actions and positions of player(s)? (eg. Bouncing
>balls of Lavinia appearing from the front or the back)

Never paid attention to that, so I can't tell.

>10. To where does the prediction on Lavinia point? (final boss?)

Never thought about that one, but I don't think so. On Odysseus is also a
prediction (which is very hard to get, by the way) of which it's likely that
it points to Metalslave (the final boss - by the way, you know the names
of the bosses ?).

>11. How did you destroy the first boss on X? Did you fly close in between
>the middle part and the cannon on the edge and let your option blast it?

Played X only once. Haven't brought my Nemesis 2 cartridge to Japan either.
Can't answer this question.

>12. Anything special about playing alone and anything you might think is

I have to answer this one the next time as I'm typing this during my 
Already exceeded 7 minuits so (am I a naugty boy or...? Hahaha).


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