On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, Manuel Bilderbeek wrote:

> Hi!
> I have 2 (silly?) questions:
> 1) Is there a DOS-MBM replayer, so I can replay Moonblaster music from
> e.g. Multi-Mente? (So, I need a MSX-DOS commandline-replayer...)

Sounds like you've been working with unix... I don't think any other
platform has so many commandline-utilities. MSX for sure doesn't. I don't
think it exists, but it should be pretty easy to build, considering you
only need a front-end.

> 2) bla bla bla

That is quite simple (the idea is, the implementation is pretty long):Just
do a files"*.*" and read all files with vpeek. store them in an array.
Then you put on any filter you like, and display whatever you want. For
the best results, switch off the screen when the "files" command is given
(or do a color 1,1,1 or similar).


/***********Use gcc to compile***Don't mind the warning************/

 int*a,k   ,v[    9];    int*main   (){    int   i,j,s=1,   x,z   ,c[
]={        1,4    ,7,    4,3        ,4,    5,4   ,1,        1,1  ,2,
3,3        ,3,    4};    for        (i=    0;(   i++        <9) &!k
 ;s=-s)    {k=0;scanf    ("%d",&    z);v  [--z   ]=s;for    (j=0;j
     <8;   j++    ){z    =v[         c[j ]];k    |=z        ==v [c[
     j]-   c[j    +8]    ]&(          z&&(v[     c[j        ]+c  [j+
8]]==z)    );;    ;}}    printf("       %d       won\n",-   s*k   );}

/*******************Tic-tac-toe.use 1-9 to play********************/

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