On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, TFH/Fony wrote:

> Why not simply compare the string before you print it to the screen? Simply
> using an if statement... This could solve the problem. And I don't know how
> everything is arranged in DOS2, but are the "." and ".." not the first two
> that are being read?

Yes they are. But in basic you can't compare anything. To read a dir you
have to use "files" which will print to the screen. perhaps the bdos-call
find should be ported to a cmd or a call (I'm not doing it, manuel)...


/***********Use gcc to compile***Don't mind the warning************/

 int*a,k   ,v[    9];    int*main   (){    int   i,j,s=1,   x,z   ,c[
]={        1,4    ,7,    4,3        ,4,    5,4   ,1,        1,1  ,2,
3,3        ,3,    4};    for        (i=    0;(   i++        <9) &!k
 ;s=-s)    {k=0;scanf    ("%d",&    z);v  [--z   ]=s;for    (j=0;j
     <8;   j++    ){z    =v[         c[j ]];k    |=z        ==v [c[
     j]-   c[j    +8]    ]&(          z&&(v[     c[j        ]+c  [j+
8]]==z)    );;    ;}}    printf("       %d       won\n",-   s*k   );}

/*******************Tic-tac-toe.use 1-9 to play********************/

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