> I am not too sure if this is 100% correct

Sure: it is not correct. 8-)

The prediction chapters can be found always, even if you have not
Nemesis 2 in the other slot.

The chapter of Eioneus and Kierke (the first and the third planet you
can choose, respectively) tell you how to kill the boss of the current
stage, concretely they say the color of the nucleus you must shoot at.

The chapter of Kierke (the second planet on the list, the metal fortress)
tells you how to kill the last boss of the game (the one appearing after
the "big eye" in the last stage), again by revealing the colour of the
nucleus to be shooted at.

In the last planet there is also a prediction chapter. It says something
about that  you must a crystal to defeat the eveil. ¿And how to find
this crystal? Well, just insert Nemesis 2 in slot 2 and search along
Eioneus and Kierke: the crystal is hidden somewhere in one of these
planets but you will not find it if you have not Nemesis 2 inserted. And
of course you can't play Operation X without Nemesis 2 inserted (BTW
this stage has not prediction chapter at all). In fact, if you try to
cheat MSX to make Salamander think that there is Nemesis 2 in slot 2
without actually having anything (there is a poke for this), Operation X
will appear, but graphics will be just white blocks! It is funny! ;-)

So as you can see, the order in which you select the planets is not
important for finishing the game (the prediction does not tell anything
about the battle in sequence as you say, but about a concrete monster).

> (It was a long ago the last time I finished this game)

Also me. But a Konami Man can't forget such things. ;-)

> I recommend
> to play the game in a .DSK file, with a poke to be invicible. Then, move
> your ship EVERYWHERE in EVERY stage...

Naaaaah! CHICKEN!!! X-D

Play Salamander without any poke if you are man enough!! X-) (sorry
girls, no offence!) (^^!)

> The places where you find those "chapters" are like the places you find the
> secret weapons in Nemesis 3!!

The chapter of Lavinia is always in the same place: after the scroll
goes upside down and when it starts to go from left to right again, you
will find a laser shooting base in the floor. Destroy it and enter in
the hole it left in the floor when exploding.

> Good luck!!!!

Yep, you will need it! ;-)

          Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)v - Itsumo MSX user

    New web address:   http://konamiman.msx.tni.nl  &  http2//nestor.msx
               [EMAIL PROTECTED]         ICQ#: 18281450

 Bill Gates should pay 1$ every time Windows fails everywhere in the world

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