JP Grobler wrote:
>                    |--------------|----------------------  Composite
>                    |                     |       |-----\
>                    |    |-----\        -----|          \
>Composite  ----|         \              | AND  |o--------  Hsync
>                         | AND |o-------|          /
> Vsync    -------|         /              |-----/
>                    |    |-----/
>                    |
>                    |-------------------------------------  Vsync

and also:

>            Amiga                BC549 (C   B   E)                     VGA
>                                                    |     |     |
>            +5v        -----------------+    |     |
>            Hsync    ------/\/\/\/\----------+   +-----------+--> Hsync
>                                  100Ohm                                   |
>                                       +-----------/\/\/\/\/\---------+
>                                        |                 560Ohm
>            Ground    --------+------------------------------> Ground (pin
>            Vsync    -----------------------------------------> Vsync (p14)

Sorry, but these pictures are not quite clear.  There's probably some
TAB to space conversion or text formatting done which made the drawings
a mess...
I tried to view them with several fonts and sizes in my mail prgram,
but I got no picture which made sense :-(
Could it be that they're supposed to look like this:

           ,---------+---------- composite
           |         |  ___
           |  ___    `-|   \
composite -+-|   \     |AND )O-- HSync
             |AND )O---|___/
Vsync     -+-|___/
           `-------------------- Vsync

(So: composite direct out and to NAND1/In1 and NAND2/In1
     Vsync     direct out and to NAND1/In2
     NAND1/OUT to NAND2/In2
     NAND2/OUT to HSync)


            (CBE) BC549      VGA
+5     ------'|`---------+-- Hsync
              |          |
HSync  -[100]-'  ,-[560]-'
GND    ----------+---------- GND

VSync  --------------------- Vsync

(So: Comp +5    to BC549/C,
     Comp HSync to BC549/B via 100R
     Comp GND   to VGA GND and Hsync VGA via 560R
     Comp Vsync to VGA VSync
     B549/E     to VGAHSync)

(Now hope, that *my* mailer doesn't fuck up the pictures ;-))

BTW I thought that the refresh rates used by the MSX were too
low to use on current (S)VGA monitors...


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