Hi all,

As most of you probably know, we (FutureDisk) are going to
quit the MSX scene when we reach FD#50. We already
announced this on FD#39, where we also announced that
roughly half of our disks to come would be normal magazines
and the other half would be Software FD's.

We have now experienced that not only filling a magazine is
becoming very hard (because there's not much new stuff to
review), but also that filling a Software FD is very hard.

Our question to you all is very simple: If you are still
thinking of finishing (or finally starting) that 'ultimate'
game/demo/music-disk, then LET US KNOW, because we are VERY

We have just under 200 members, so we can guarantee that a
lot of people in a lot of countries (the Netherlands,
Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, JAPAN, etc.) are
going to play/see/hear your software.

Of course we understand that you don't want to do this
for free ;-)

Hope to hear from you soon!

Jeroen Smael

PS. For all of you who DON'T know the FutureDisk (is there
    anyone who hasn't heard of us?), here's our homepage:

Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also http://www.faq.msxnet.org/

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