Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha wrote:
> > send init string:
> > ATZ
> > OK
>         This "OK" isn't sent by the modem itself???
> > and then dial:
> > ATDT0123456789
> > CONNECT 115200
>         And also this "CONNECT"?

Yes, that is part of being hayes compatible.

> > Now you are connected to the peer.
>         Nice. So I just need to send and receive characters
> (including modem commands) from the RS232 without worring about anything?

It depends if you have hardware flow control, if not you should worry
about setting and handling the so called ESC-sequences. This resembles
the \ used in Unix to prevent shell expansion from characters like
Simple example if your modem does a hangup when receiving the letter
'h', but you want to send a letter 'h' to the other side of the
connection you will have to send ESC-'h' so that the modem doesn't
interprete the letter following the ESC. If you want to send ESC to the
other side you will have to send ESC-ESC. If you have hardware control
you can use Hayes to tell the modem to use the hardware lines and almost
completely ignore the charactersequence.

*SNIP discussion about PPP, sLIP and PAP*

I like to add that a lot of (Belgium) ISP are using CHAP, or even worse
MS-CHAP (Again one of the changed standards I was talking about in a
previous mail)
Oh ,and technically it is verry posible to use a normal
username/password sequence before forcing the line into a PPP-state.

   |o_o |     In the beginning the Universe was created. 
   |:_/ |     This has made a lot of people very angry 
  //   \ \    and been widely regarded as a bad move.
 (|     | )   
/'\_   _/`\   (Taken from THHGTTG)

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