At 00:41 27-8-00 +0000, you wrote:
>On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> > Em sex, 25 ago 2000, Albert Beevendorp escreveu:
> > > >         Sure, but... Keep cool! Unfortunately it isn't everybody who
> > > >have a Acrobat Reader, a xpdf viewer, or even a GhostView... Despite
> > > >this, there are a lot of people who have a RTF-compliant word processor,
> > > >like AbiWord and StarOffice (myself).
> > >
> > > Try to get yourself PDF creator or a plug-in for any word processor which
> > > can save PDF for free. Most of these are sold for bug bucks :(
> >
> >       Is there any PDF creator 4 Linux?
>Yes: GhostScript can convert PostScript to PDF.
>(I think I wrote it a couple of days ago)

Is there a free thinge for Windows as well then? AFAIK all of these are 
sold for big money :(

GreeTz, BiFi

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