Unfortunately, that command doesn't help me much here. The problem is that 
cartridges use whatever video mode is active when they are booted. 
Therefore, even though the cartridges were written for NTSC televisions, 
they boot in PAL on my NTSC television. I was hoping for a way to boot 
directly to cartridge after I've done vdp(10)=0, so that the 60Hz mode would 
be conserved; in the softboot, the screen merely returns to 50Hz as it boots 
up again.

----Original Message Follows----
From: Hans Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Cartridge question
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 08:21:31 +0100

Hi Brendan,

NEVER insert a cartridge in a powered running MSX.
Power off and then insert it.
The chance of destroying the video chip that way is about 100%.

If you disable the cartridge with a switch (which means opening the
cartridge, soldering a switch betweeen the ROM select signal and the
connector) then what you want is possible.
The MSX will not see the cartridge, boot in its normal.
To get the cartridge working close the switch and call the boot.
Something like (in Basic)
def usr=0 : u=usr(0)
will do a boot.

More details on booting in the MSX Red book (see the faq where it is)


-----Original Message-----
From: Brendan Cross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 03:12
Subject: Cartridge question

Please excuse this possibly-stupid question; I'm new to MSX. ^.^;; Is it
possible to boot from MSX-Basic or MSX-DOS 1 to cartridge, if the cartridge
is interted after the boot/has a switch and is switched on after boot?
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