] > The MSX will not see the cartridge, boot in its normal.
] > To get the cartridge working close the switch and call the boot.
] > Something like (in Basic)
] > def usr=0 : u=usr(0)
] > will do a boot.
] Another option is this:
] defusr=&h7d75:a=usr(0)
] I'm not sure how standard this is, but it seems to work on all machines
] I've tried it on.
According to the MSX redbook, this entry is used by the initialization 
routine to find all cartridges. And to start the initialization code of the 
cardridges that have some initialisation code. Although these entries are not 
official (only the BIOS jump table is official), Microsoft has gone through 
some efforts to keep all these addresses the same in newer versions of the 
MSX. Even if the MSX BASIC for example was modified (extended from MSX1 to 
MSX2 or higher).

]This doesn't work for cartridges that wait for the
] disk controller to initialize (like Metal Gear 2, Game Master 1 & 2,
] Kings Valley 2 -- any game that uses the diskdrive basically).
I have not tried this, but I think the following solution helps:

1) Reset all diskrom related variables in the MSX workarea
2) defusr=&h7d75:a=user(0)

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms

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