> > > The SVI-328 or SV-328 is a quite common computer, also the tape recorder
> was
> > I doubt if you find many of these around (at least in Denmark).
> Not in Sweden either, it should have been "was a ...".

I think these were quite common in USA??

> > > bundled with most of the computers. A fair price would be about US
> $50-100.
> > > If the computer is a SVI-328 MK II the price would be about US $150-250.
> > You must be NUTS!! I think you really are
> Perhaps I am;-) It's not that much, just a parking ticket or two;-)

Í don´t tend do pay parking tickets, don´t have a car :-)

> The SVI-328 MK II is really ultra rare, it wasn't even sold in most of
> countries because of the SVI-728.

I guess my 328 and 605 box ended in a junk yard... Though I profanated it before, took 
out the power supply for my msx HD.... Then it blew up one day and killed my damn 
expensive at that time harddisk, erased DOS2 cartridge  and fried my SCSI interface. I 
guess this was the REVENGE of SVI-328!!! Hehe. A NUTS story from a collector too... 

Every colloctor of retro computing, today is less or more "nuts" so no offence ;-), 

> > This stuff is not worth a shit today unless you are crazy enough to get
> the
> > system on ebay...
> That's almost the only source to get them from today, but if you'r lucky you
> can find them for free. Of course if they aren't "worth" anything to you,
> don't buy one;) Stick with your P4, Geforce 3 and the lovely SVI-738.

Hehe, I have only a plain P133 :-), no fancy stuff. And indeed SVI-738 is a lovely 
computer. Especially when it is upgraded to MSX2+ and has enough RAM :-))).

Well I apricate that we have one "nuts" SVI-328 collector, at least I can see some 
interesting 328 stuff :-).
Anyway I think MSX is cooler than 328 :-).

> > But if you sell it for such price, good luck!!!
> I don't sell any of the Spectravideo items I'v collected, they are to rare
> for me.
Guessed so!
Greetz from Bjørn Boye Skjoldhammer aka The Red Devil
ICQ #20449307

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