> > http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1231252330
> What I tink?
> This a good example of what I have in mind.
> Such person goes for the cash, and he knows people are crazy enough to
> pay the price he expects.

But it's not the sellers fault, it's the people who bid such amounts.

> In reality there is only a hardcore group which would pay the price.
> This will cause the prices to go up, because other sellers will think,
> if he can sell it for the price why, can´t I? This helps only to make
> rare msx stuff even more expensive...on ebay!!!

True, but so what ?
Rare MSX thingies have been expensive and will be, only with luck you'll
get cheap items.

        Greetings: Saku Taipale, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For info, see http://www.stack.nl/~wynke/MSX/listinfo.html

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