> > In this case I just had in mind the seller mentioning that he got lasat
> time 120 quid for the
> > same cartridge, thus assuming the same price again...
> 120 U.K. Pounds????
> Or did you mean 120 Bucks, aka $120

120 UK Sterling P.

> Even then!
> What are they? Insane!
Nuts collectors X-).

> I would never pay that much for any ol' piece of junk! Sure cartridges are
> sweet and all but come on the prices of some of the carts is just way too
> high!
I agree on that, but some people are ready to sell their soul for a konami game...
> I think that we should keep in mind that we're talkin' about absolete
> hardware so almost everything is a collectorsitem. Which normally implies
> that prices should go up. However he group whom actually collects MSX stuff
> is growing smaller day by day, yeah it's a shame. So I think even if you're
> gonna pay about $100 for anything in about 10 years from now it'll be
> totally worthless.
Erm that depends, if the amount of stuff will decrease radically it might be oppsite.

> Or do you guys and galls think in ten years or twenty for the MSX-scene will
> still be as active or inactive as it is now?
Depends on outcome of Nishis´s plans.... :-)
Anyway MSX will be in our hearts at least :-))

I believe classic stuff like konami games will survive.

Greetz from Bjørn Boye Skjoldhammer aka The Red Devil
ICQ #20449307

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