What are the specs for a MSX mouse....
Maybe there ie a option to convert a PC mouse (like a logitec ps2 or serial)
to MSX standart
With a simpel 12c508 (or a nother PIC) or change the ic in the mouse to work
with MSX
and if the 12c508 option works.... a easy pc2 / msx port convertor can be

----- Original Message -----
From: "JP Grobler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 11:55 AM
Subject: MSX Mouse

> Hi
> Is the atari and msx mouse compatible? What other systems have a mous
> compatible to msx mouse?
> Thanks
> JP
> --
> For info, see http://www.stack.nl/~wynke/MSX/listinfo.html

For info, see http://www.stack.nl/~wynke/MSX/listinfo.html

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