On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, ag0ny wrote:

> >That's why I always like cracking and copying, but just for stupid
> >distribution policies! Even through, I agree that copying is bad and
> >buying is good, but I expect some respect from the gamehouses, by
> >releasing its software simultaneously all over the world!
> If *YOU* were the owner of a big (game|publishing|video) company, what
> whould *YOU* do? Spend lots an lots of *YOUR MONEY* manufacturing
> copys of your product for all over the world blindly? Or would you first
> test the product by releasing it in your own country, and then all over
> the world, if it is a success?

First of all I would do a market research, in several countries. After
that, I would create specific distributors in the countries which have a
minimum market. These distributors would be in charge of reproducing the
number of copies asked by the local market.

So, I wouldn't "flood" all countries with my software.

> You, me, and everybody else would do the same: we would wait. When you're
> in a company, money is the only thing that cares. And Accounting won't let
> you spend such big bucks until they're sure of the success of the product.

Not exactly, while you are waiting, the others are piracing your software
because no one would wait while you are "testing" your software in your
local market.

> The Japanese are not to blame.

What you said means that, if a certain market is not enough profitable,
let those people to have illegal copies of your software.

Since it's obvious that european and latin american software market aren't
worthless, the gamehouse can (and should) release the new software all
over the world.

And if we don't know what kind of games a country is used to accept, then
the market research should answer the question.

That's because this kind of enterprise policy of "profit, profit and more
profit" that they are losing big markets due to the piracy. They should
know that the market DOESN'T WAIT!

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz           "Dal Poz Motorsport!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://www.lsi.usp.br/~mdalpoz

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