On 7/1/08 22:58, "Linus Torvalds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, one thng we could do is to add a new concept, namely
> core.autocrlf = warn
> and make *that* the default.
> It would do the check, but not actually convert anything, just warn about
> it.

I think this is the best option so far.  Since this doesn't exist I was just
writing a hook for myself which fails rather than warns when CRLFs are
detected.  Not modifying content by default is a good mantra.  But getting a
couple of CRLF files into the repository and then noticing n commits down
the line and having to run a filter-branch session is a pain.  So +1 for the
default being a warning (that includes appropriate instructions) when
committing a file that looks like text but has CRLF.  And having a "fail"
option might be nice while you(?)'re at it:

core.autocrlf = fail # refuse to commit text files containing CRLF


PS Of course none of this would have helped me with those old mac CR files
that got into another repository ...

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