The deadline for submissions to AMTA 2016 in all tracks has been extended for
two weeks, to 11 July 2016.


                                   AMTA 2016
                         The Twelfth Conference of the
              Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
                      Hilton Austin Hotel, Austin, Texas
                         October 29 - November 2, 2016

                                CALL FOR PAPERS
                     New submission deadline: 11 July 2016

The Twelfth Biennial  Conference of the Association for  Machine Translation in
the Americas (AMTA)  will be held at the Hilton Austin  Hotel in Austin, Texas,
from Saturday October  29th through Wednesday November 2nd,  2016. AMTA 2016 is
co-located with and will take place  immediately prior to EMNLP 2016 (Nov 2-6),
with a shared day of workshops on November 2nd.

AMTA  2016  is  soliciting  contributions  to research,  commercial  user,  and
government user tracks;  workshops and tutorials; and a  technology showcase of
commercial and research-stage MT technology.

                    AMTA 2016 | Call for MT Research Papers

Contact: Lane Schwartz, Spence Green (mtresearch...@amtaweb.org)

AMTA-2016  solicits original  research papers  that will  advance the  field of
Machine  Translation.   We  seek  submissions  across the  entire  spectrum  of
MT-related  research activity. In  addition to  standard contributions,  we are
also seeking papers that describe  research software to be demonstrated as part
of the technology showcase (see call below).  Submissions must be unpublished,
and in English.

This year, we are particularly interested in submissions discussing research on
translation  system  design,  implementation,  and scaling.  These  topics  are
well-understood in  the context of statistical machine  translation, but neural
machine  translation presents  new architectural  challenges.  Submissions that
might ordinarily  be classified  as system description  papers--including those
dealing with hardware---are  welcome in the research track.  Insights useful to
system designers, builders, and users will be emphasized.

Important dates:

Submission deadline: Monday, 11 July 2016
Notification of acceptance: Monday, 15 August 2016
Final "camera-ready" versions: Monday, 12 September 2016

Submission Instructions:

Papers (both demo and regular) must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages plus 2 (two)
pages for references, and must be formatted according to the AMTA 2016 style
MS Word:http://amtaweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/amta2016.dotx

Submitted papers  must be in PDF. To  allow for blind reviewing,  please do not
include  author names  and affiliations  within  the paper,  and avoid  obvious
self-references. Papers must  be submitted to the START system  by 11:59 pm PDT
(GMT – 7 hours), Monday, July 11, 2016.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Advances in various MT paradigms: data-driven, rule-based, and hybrids
- MT applications and embedding: translation/localization aids,
  speech-to-speech, speech-to-text, OCR, MT for communication (chats, blogs,
  social networks), multilingual applications, etc.
- Technologies for MT deployment: quality estimation and domain adaptation
- MT in special settings: low resources, massive resources, high volume, low
  computing resources
- Human factors in MT and user interfaces for MT
- Linguistic resources for MT: dictionaries, terminology banks, corpora
- MT evaluation techniques and evaluation results
- Empirical studies on translation data

Multiple Submissions:

Papers presented  at the AMTA conference  must represent new work  that has not
been previously published. It is  the responsibility of the author(s) to inform
the   program  chairs   of  any   potential  problem   with  respect   to  this
requirement.  Authors submitting  a  similar  paper both  to  AMTA and  another
conference   or   workshop   must   inform   the  program   chairs   by   email
(mtresearch...@amtaweb.org), specifying  to which other  conference or workshop
they are submitting  their work. If the paper is accepted  and presented at the
AMTA  conference,  then  it  must  be  withdrawn  from  other  conferences  and

    AMTA 2016 | Commercial MT Users and Translators: Call for Presentations

Contact: Steve Richardson and Olga Beregovaya (commercialmtus...@amtaweb.org)

The  Commercial  Users  and  Translators  track  will focus  on  how  MT  helps
individual  translators,  Language  Service  Providers,  and  enterprise  users
deliver their products and services more effectively. Submissions should report
on  the use  of  MT  to support  business  goals and  serve  customer needs  in
commercial settings by integrating it with other processes and technologies.

Example  MT  use  cases  include supplying  on-demand  localization,  providing
technical  support  information  in  multiple languages,  and  enabling  global
consumer-to-consumer  transactions. Example  products and  services  include MT
integration  with translator  productivity tools,  cloud-based MT  services for
integration  with other  web  and mobile  applications,  and customization  and
deployment of MT engines for specific needs. See more possible topics below.

Important dates:

Submission deadline: Monday, 11 July 2016
Notification of acceptance: Monday, 15 August 2016
Final "camera-ready" versions: Monday, 12 September 2016

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

- Use of MT as a translator productivity tool: benefits, challenges, training
- Methods for obtaining and using post-editor productivity data
- Quality evaluation and pricing methods for MT post-editing services
- Integrating MT into the localization program lifecycle
- Integrating MT with source content analysis and classification tools
- Integrating MT with web and mobile applications, such as social media
- Integrating MT into CAT tools
- Use of MT for publishing “noisy” source content types (user generated
  content, consumer–to-consumer communications, support web sites)
- Static and real-time domain adaptation and change management of MT systems in
  commercial deployments
- Use of MT to address global enterprise “big data” requirements such as web
- Use of MT for cross-language search
- Use of MT in crowd-sourced translation environments
- Business applications of speech-to-speech MT
- Return on Investment (ROI) analysis of MT in commercial settings

What to submit:

Please submit  a 250 to 500-word  abstract describing your  presentation to the
Commercial MT Users Chairs  (commercialmtus...@amtaweb.org).  If you  have any
questions, you  can ask the Program  Chairs at this same  email address.  Ideal
presentations  will  describe how  MT  helps  to  address a  specific  business
challenge, with  an objective  assessment of its  strengths and  weaknesses for
that  particular  challenge, supported  by  quantitative measures.  Submissions
should  not contain  commercial solicitations  of specific  tools. If  you have
original software that you would like to show, you may also consider submitting
a proposal to the technology showcase (see call below).


Please indicate whether you intend  to submit your presentation for publication
in  the  AMTA  2016  Conference  Proceedings.  Publication  in  the  Conference
Proceedings is  not a requirement, but  we strongly encourage you  to make your
presentation available in  the Proceedings so that other  people can learn from
your  experiences.  If you  agree to  have your  presentation published  in the
Proceedings, it is preferred that you format it according to the Research Track
submission guidelines above.  However, slide decks may also  be accepted. While
only abstracts  are required  to be submitted  by the initial  submission date,
only papers or slide decks will  be accepted by the final camera-ready date for
publication in the Proceedings.

            AMTA 2016 | Government MT Users: Call for Presentations

Contact: Jen Doyon and Lucie Langlois (governmentmtus...@amtaweb.org)

Government  users are  encouraged  to  contribute to  AMTA  2016 by  submitting
proposals for this year's conference  that pertain to the research, development
and  operational   use  of  MT   and  MT-related  technologies   in  government
settings.  We would  also like  to hear  from users  who have  had  issues with
implementing MT, whether on the technical side, the human side or both.

Important dates:

Submission deadline: Monday, 11 July 2016
Notification of acceptance: Monday, 15 August 2016
Final "camera-ready" versions: Monday, 12 September 2016

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Use of MT as a translator tool
- Use of MT as an analyst tool
- Use of MT as an information tool
- Use of MT in chats, blogs and social networks
- Non-traditional uses of MT
- MT post-editing
- MT evaluation
- MT research and development
- MT case studies
- Linguistic resources for MT
- MT tool integration
- MT - the Human Factor
- MT - How to calculate the ROI in government
- MT - when is good enough good enough

What to submit:

Initial submissions should be 250-500 word abstracts. The following should
accompany each abstract submission:

- Presentation Title
- Presenter Name
- Representing Organization
- Email Address
- Phone Number

All  accepted submissions will  be allotted  30 minute  time slots.


While not mandatory, presenters wishing  to have their submissions published in
the AMTA 2016 Proceedings are required to produce papers in accordance with the
MT Research Track  submission instructions.  Slide decks may  also be accepted.
While only  abstracts are  required to be  submitted by the  initial submission
date, only  papers or slide  decks will be  accepted by the  final camera-ready
date for publication in the Proceedings.

How to submit:

Please email your abstract to the Government MT Users Chairs
(governmentmtus...@amtaweb.org) by Monday July 11, 2016

          AMTA 2016 | Call for Exhibitors in the Technology Showcase

Contact: Jen DeCamp (techshowc...@amtaweb.org)

If you are interested in exhibiting/demonstrating your commercial, academic, or
government  software at  the AMTA  2016  Technology Showcase,  please send  the
following information to Jen DeCamp. We are particularly interested in software
that is discussed in presentations at the conference.

The Technology  Showcase will  be held from  noon to  5:00 on October  30, with
setup starting at 11:00.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Use of MT as a translator tool
- Use of MT as an analyst tool
- Use of MT in chats, blogs and social networks
- Non-traditional uses of MT
- MT post-editing
- MT evaluation
- MT research and development
- MT case studies
- Linguistic resources for MT
- MT tool integration
- Terminology management and other tools for assisting human translation
- Government applications
- Student research

What to Submit:

Submissions   should   include   a   completed   exhibitor   template   booklet
This  information will  be used  in the  Showcase booklet,  if the  proposal is
accepted. Booth numbers will be added by AMTA. Please limit descriptions to 400
words.  You  may use  graphics, but  please submit the  form in  Word (non-PDF)
format. If  products have  been demonstrated  at a previous  AMTA or  MT Summit
Technology Showcase,  please include information  under Description of  what is
new this year.

Note: if  you are demonstrating  research software and  would like to  submit a
demo  paper  to  appear  in  the conference  proceedings,  make  an  additional
submission for that to the research track, following the guidelines above.


Exhibitors will be  provided with a table, draping,  chairs, a sign, electrical
outlets, and wifi. Exhibitors are  welcome to bring posters and signs. However,
signs may not  be attached to the hotel walls. Please  note special requests on
the  submission form  or contact  Jen DeCamp  (jdec...@mitre.org)  or Priscilla
Rasmussen (busin...@amtaweb.org).
Exhibitors can choose to rent large-screen monitors from the AMTA registration
page for $200. The monitors will be delivered to and picked up from the exhibit

Exhibitors  can  mail signs  and  brochures  to the  hotel  in  advance of  the
conference in care of Priscilla Rasmussen.

Alon Lavie | Adjunct Research Professor
Language Technologies Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Phone:  412-268-5655
Email: ala...@cs.cmu.edu
Web: www.cs.cmu.edu/~alavie

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