On 13 November 2013 19:24, Richard Dobson
<richarddob...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> But Theo, music-dsp is not a university list. There is no reason at all to
> expect/assume that anyone has any particular qualification, nor even a
> "relevant" one. People are doing things here for love of the subject, not
> for grade points. They like reading the discussions, even (or perhaps
> especially) of subjects they are unfamiliar with at a technical level (such
> as myself). Aside from the business of subscribing, it is a public list
> which anyone can join (probably not even an age limit).
> And all the PhDs I have met (and that is quite a few) regard their PhDs as
> the start of the journey, not the end of it! So, yes, I agree that modesty
> from a PhD is always good to see!

both my parents were EE (assistant +) professors 20 years ago or so,
but i never got much of that and TBH and i never really got into DSP
in that regard, but i understand a thing or two and i can certainly
bash someone who makes a silly mistake, but i rather not in a direct
way. so being on this list is mostly for the fun and in terms of
debates and stuff i really don't care who wins...

what i don't like about audio processing stuff is that it's quite
commercial, because people sell branded, pretentious stuff and
terminology which is absolute nonsense for an EE. a couple of years
ago i posted a thread about the "niveou" filter of the "elysia -
mpressor" product for which by looking merely at plots (and having a
quick discussion with martin eisenberg (was it?) and rbj) looked like
a hyper-advertised single pole detector stage tilt-eq, which is of
course sounded "absolutely astounding" compared to other products out

i much rather play with my other man-cave /slash/ grown-up hobby thing
which is carpentry and believe it or not it gives you good
gratification :)...
flexing your brain from time to time is good and there is no doubt about that...

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