Now back to the orginal question, why doesn't the scheme that follows the lagged Fibonacci generator achieve better results then my "Go" method?

Somehow the analogy between the simplified model

 +-> [AP Diffusor AP1] -> [AP Diffusor Ap2] -> [Delay D] ->
 |                                              |

and the (lagged) fibonacci generator

x[n] = x[n-j] + x[n-k] (mod m)

is flawed, they are not identical but only vaguely similar. If you see that at all, I am a pretty fuzzy thinker if you havent noticed yet

But still I belive that optimal j/m and k/m exist, that achieve an even better distribution then the Go scheme, and work by a similar chaos mechanism as the RNG does.

Similar to my retuned ratio for 4/5 of -1/(1-SQRT(5)),  j/m and k/m are said to be related to the Golden Ratio (but not identical, and I am not sure hwo) and are somewhat similar in magnitude to the ratios usefull in a reverb.

For instance 7/(2^4), 10/(2^4) gives 0,4375 and 0,625

or 1279/(2^11), 418/(2^11) give 0,62451 and 0,20410

and similar, you dont get 0.9 oder 0.1 for instance

So one idea is to find ratios that meet criteria for both schemes, for example.

But possibly, since the LFG is desined to give fluktuating magnitudes
and the Go method is designed to give distributed pulses both approaches don't match.

I am posting this mostly for inspiration, hoping that some one else will find interesting solutions and insights. I am positive that some one here knows a little bit about chaos theorie and things like that.

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