I don't know if you're "doing it the right way", however, pitch shift by
bin shifting has
the following problems:

-edge effects (using windowing can help)
- pitch shift up puts some frequencies above nyquist limit, they need to be
- the quantised pitch shift is only an approximation of a continuous pitch
shift because
the sinc shaped realisation of a pure sine wave in the quantised frequency
domain can occur
at different distances from the bin centers for different sine waves,
shifting bins doesn't do this
and thus isn't 100% faithful.

>From the sound clip, I'd guess that you might have some other problems
related to normalising the
synthesis volume/power

The best quality commonly used pitch shift comes from a phase vocoder TSM:
stretch the time
and then resample (or vice versa) so that the duration of input equals that
of output.  Phase vocoders
however vary a lot in the quality of sound they produce, some are even as
bad or worse than the example
you provided.

Hope that helps

On Sun, 28 Oct 2018 at 02:34, gm <g...@voxangelica.net> wrote:

> Now I tried pitch shifting in the frequency domain instead of time
> domain to get rid of one transform step, but it sounds bad and phasey etc.
> I do it like this:
> multiply phase difference with frequency factor and add to accumulated
> phase,
> and shift bins according to frequency factor
> again there is a formant correction, and the phase is reset to the
> original phase
> if the amplitude is larger than it was in the previous frame
> with a 1024 FFT size it doesn't work at 44 kHz, it works @ 22050 kHz but
> sounds
> like there is a flanger going on, and especially the bass seems odd
> https://soundcloud.com/traumlos_kalt/freq-domain-p-shift-test-1/s-QZBEr
> first original then resynthesized
> is this the quality that is to be expected with this approach?
> am I doing it the right way?
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