> That crashing noise was the sky falling after Brian and I just came to
> almost exactly the same conclusions.
> So +1 what he said above.

No wonder it's so cold here...  even the flames of hell have gone out!  LOL

Ok, here's just a thought on how we can do this, and at the same time,
simplify the 2 AR pages in to one (I don't know how many times I've tried to
walk people through how to even get to the batch AR page...).


Each of the three grey boxes is mutually exclusive, so you can only select
"This AR applies to the entire release" (non-fuzzy release-level ARs) OR
"This AR applies to some tracks, but I'm not sure which ones" (however we
word it, for fuzzy release-level ARs) OR you can select 1 or more tracks -
but you can't do any two or three at the same time.

If we also can come up with a list of which ARs can't be non-fuzzy at the
release level, or those which only should ever apply to release or tracks,
we could also have it set so depending on the AR, either the non-fuzzy
release checkbox or the tracks section could have the checkbox greyed out.


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