Hi all:

I'm beginning to see more redundant Wikipedia links in various languages
in MB, and as I've seen voting in both directions when faced with such
AR adds, I'm seeking to clarify what may become a reasonable policy for
Wikipedia ARs in MB.

Perhaps to illustrate what I consider the worst case scenario I am aware
of, will all due respect to Brian,
seems like the example of Wikipedia-links-run-amok in MB.

I see there's a (slightly stale) policy under discussion in
http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/WikipediaRelationshipType. If you believe
it's more appropriate to host the discussion there, let me know.

There are two options that seem to be generally considered reasonable by
various editors within MB:

1. Link to the Wikipedia language choice that is most appropriate,
typically the language that is associated with the release. This doesn't
work so well for artists. If this option was accepted, I presume we
should establish a Wikipedia AR addition policy.

2. Link to Every Possible Wikipedia Language Page for a Release (hence
the title of this message). This results in a worst case scenario
outlined above. If this option was accepted, I would propose we develop
an enhancement to the MB user interface to render the potential reams of
Wikipedia links in a more intuitive manner.

At the moment, I don't consider this to be a burning issue for the MB
community; it's something that, as I'm voting on edits, I am just
becoming aware of. At the very least, your advice can help me decide
whether I am a yes, no or abstain voter when I come across these types
of edits.

Thanks in advance for your time.


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